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Best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck guide

The best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck

You've accumulated over 5,000 trophies and you've finally reached the big leagues. It's time to discover the best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck. To help you reach the top of the leaderboard, we've compiled our tips and tricks for creating the Graveyard/Poison deck and learning how to play it in this guide.

Composition of the best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck

Let's start this best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck with the main card: Graveyard. This spell generates skeletons like Gravestone, also in this deck. However, it can be placed anywhere and can generate up to 19 skeletons if not defended.

In this deck, you have 3 units with area damage: the Valkyrie, which is your ground unit with the most hit points, the Baby Dragon for attacking from the air, and the Ice Wizard for ranged attacks.

The best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck

We then have 3 spells: the Barbarian Barrel and the Tornado, to be used in defense, but also the Poison, to be combined with the Graveyard as we will see just after.

Finally, the Tombstone allows you to defend and avoid damage on your turn, but also to continuously attack and put pressure on your opponent.

How to play the Graveyard / Poison deck

The best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck is heavily used by the top players. It relies mainly on the combo of two spells: Graveyard and Poison.

Start with the Tombstone or Baby Dragon to force your opponent to play. When your opponent attacks, defend with the Barbarian Barrel for weak units and the Ice Wizard behind your tower.

The Graveyard in Clash Royale

Also use your Tornado to lure enemy units under your King's Tower, which will inflict heavy damage and remain activated for the rest of the battle.

Now it's time for the counter-attack. To do this, place your Valkyrie, which will be supported by the Ice Wizard if he is still alive.

Once the enemy crowned tower targets your Valkyrie, send your Graveyard to the outer side of the tower so you are not in range of the King's tower and immediately follow up with Poison to instantly counter your opponent's response.

The Ice Wizard in Clash Royale

That's it for the best Clash Royale Legendary Arena deck. If you can pull off this strategy with Graveyard and Poison, you can earn a lot of trophies. If you are missing some cards to make up this deck, you can always opt for the best Clash Royale Arena 14 deck.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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